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1. It substitutes CNG, Petrol, Diesel & LPG
2. No modification in Vehicle required,
may be some Retrofit kit is sufficient for 100% Substitution.
3. Fossil CNG and AgroGaz® CBG has
the Same Quality, as it satisfies IS-16087:2016 Standard.
1. The Capex, Opex is such that the Simple Payback
on Capital,is around 3.5 years.
2. AgroGaz® is Bankable proposal. Has IRR about 16
to 24% (Case to Case basis, Based on
Feedstock costs Cost of CBG Sold in the Market)
1. The AgroGaz® production process is Carbon Neutral.
Does not Effectively Adds CO2 in the Atmosphere.
2. AgroGaz® 100% Substitutes Fossil Fuels at par.
3. AgroGaz® can get Carbon Credits!
1. AgroGaz® is 2nd Generation Biofuel, based
on Ligno-Cellulosic Biomass. No Conflict of Food with Fuel.
2. With Energy Farming of Napier Grass,
the Grassroot farmers can earn substantially.
3. Huge Employment Opportunity is Created,
in Villages, as AgroGaz® is based on
Biomass / Agro Residue / Energy Farming done in Villages.